Prehľad literatúry - volume change, bathymetry measurements, lake sediments: 2

Nasledujúci príspevok tvorí pokračovanie prehľadu literárnych zdrojov, údajov a publikácií k téme erózno-sedimentačných procesov, zmien objemu vodných nádrží a zanášaniu nádrží, prípadne zdrojov ku kľúčovým slovám: volume change, bathymetry measurements, lake sediments, riparian zone, echo sounder, geophysical surveys, GPS ∠ sonar, sedimentation. Cieľom príspevku je pomôcť zorientovať sa v danej problematike.

Autor: Ambers K. R.
Názov: Using the sediment record in a western Oregon flood-control reservoir to assess the influence of storm history and logging on sediment yield.
Zdroj: J. Hydrol. 244(3-4), 181-200, 2001.
Online: » link «

Autor: McAlister, J.R., Fox III, W.E., Wilcox, B., Srinivasan, R.
Názov: Reservoir volumetric and sedimentation survey data: A necessary tool for evaluating historic sediment flux and appropriate mitigation response.
Zdroj: Lakes & Reservoirs: Research & Management. 18,3, 217-296, 2013.
Online: » link «

Autor: Jen-Yang Lin, Shaw L. Yu, Tsu-Chuan Lee
Zdroj: Journal of the American Water Resources Association, Volume 36, Issue 5, pages 989–1001, October 2000.
Online: » link «

Autor: Renwick, WH (Renwick, WH); Carlson, KJ (Carlson, KJ); Hayes-Bohanan, JK (Hayes-Bohanan, JK)
Názov: Trends in recent reservoir sedimentation rates in Southwestern Ohio.
Zdroj: JOURNAL OF SOIL AND WATER CONSERVATION, Volume: 60 Issue: 2 Pages: 72-79, 2005.
Online: » link «

Autor: Dunbar J. A., Allen P. M. & Higley P. D.
Názov: Multifrequency acoustic profiling for water reservoir sedimentation studies.
Zdroj: J. Sediment. Res. 69 (2):521-527.34, 1999.
Online: » link «

Autor: Ahmed, K.B. & Sanchez, M.
Názov: A study of the factors and processes involved in the sedimentation of Tarbela reservoir, Pakistan.
Zdroj: Environmental earth sciences, 62, 5, 927-933, 2011.
Online: » link «

Autor: Awulachew, S.B.
Názov: Investigation of physical and bathymetric characteristics of Lakes Abaya and Chamo, Ethiopia, and their management implications.
Zdroj: Lakes and Reservoirs: Research and Management, 11, 3, 133-140, 2006.
Online: » link «

Autor: Chang, T.J., Bayes, T.D., & McKeever, S.
Názov: Investigating reservoir sediment and watershed erosion using a geographical information system.
Zdroj: Hydrological Processes, 17, 5, 979-987, 2003.
Online: » link «

Autor: Childs, J.R., Snyder, N.P., & Hampton, M.A.
Názov: Bathymetric and geophysical surveys of Englebright Lake, Yuba-Nevada Counties, California.
Zdroj: US Geological Survey Open-File Report 03-383, 1-20, 2003.

Autor: Deutsch, C.V.
Názov: Geostatistical Reservoir Modeling.
Zdroj: Oxford University Press, 376 Pages, New York, 2002.
Online: » link «

Autor: Elçi, Ş., Bor. A. & Çalışkan, A.
Názov: Using numerical models and acoustic methods to predict reservoir sedimentation.
Zdroj: Lake and Reservoir Management, 25, 3, 297-306, 2009.
Online: » link «

Autor: Hollister, J. & Milstead, W.B.
Názov: Using GIS to estimate lake volume from limited data.
Zdroj: Lake and Reservoir Management, 26, 3, 194-199, 2010.
Online: » link «

Autor: Jordan, D.C. & Fonstad, M.A.
Názov: Two Dimensional Mapping of River Bathymetry and Power using Aerial Photography and GIS on the Brazos River, Texas.
Zdroj: Geocarto International, 20, 3, 1-8, 2005.
Online: » link «

Autor: Kress, W.H., Sebree, S.K, Littin, G.R, Drain, M.A., & Kling, M.E.
Názov: Comparison of Preconstruction and 2003 Bathymetric and Topographic Surveys of Lake McConaughy.
Zdroj: Scientific Investigations Report 2005-5040. Published by U.S. Department of the Interior and U.S. Geological Survey, 1-27, 2005.
Online: » link «

Autor: Mcalister, J.R., Fox, W.E., Wilcox, B. & Srinivasan, R.
Názov: Reservoir volumetric and sedimentation survey data: A necessary tool for evaluating historic sediment flux and appropriate mitigation response.
Zdroj: Lakes and Reservoirs: Research and Management, 18, 3, 275-283, 2013.
Online: » link «

Autor: Naiman, R. J., Décamps, H., McClain, M. E.
Názov: Riparia: Ecology, Conservation, and Management of Streamside Communities.
Zdroj: Elsevier Academic Press, London, 448 Pages, 2005.
Online: » link «

Autor: Odhiambo, B.K. & Boss, S.K.
Názov: Integrated echo sounder, GPS, and GIS for reservoir sedimentation studies: Examples from two Arkansas Lakes.
Zdroj: Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 40, 4, 981-997, 2004.
Online: » link «

Autor: Pradhan, D., Ancev, T., Drynan, R. & Harris, M.
Názov: Management of Water Reservoirs (Embungs) in West Timor, Indonesia.
Zdroj: Water resources management, 25, 1, 339-356, 2011.
Online: » link «

Autor: Ristić, R., Ljujić, M., Despotović, J., Aleksić, V., Radić, B., Nikić, Z., Milčanović, V., Malušević, I. & Radonjić, J.
Názov: Reservoir sedimentation and hydrological effects of land use changes-case study of the experimental dičina river watershed.
Zdroj: Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences, 8, 1, 91-98, 2013.
Online: » link «

Autor: Webster, R. & Oliver, M.
Názov: Geostatistics for Environmental Scientists.
Zdroj: John Wiley and Sons, 330 Pages, New York, 2001.
Online: » link «

Autor: Yesuf, H.M., Alamirew, T., Melesse, A.M. & Assen, M.
Názov: Bathymetric Mapping for Lake Hardibo in Northeast Ethiopia Using Sonar.
Zdroj: International Journal of Water Sciences, 1, DOI: 10.5772/52886, 2012.
Online: » link «

Autor: Yun, H.S. & Cho, J.M.
Názov: Hydroacoustic application of bathymetry and geological survey for efficient reservoir management.
Zdroj: Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying Geodesy Photogrammetry and Cartography, 29, 2, 209-217, 2011.

Autor: Gellis, A.C., Webb, R. M. T., McIntyre, S. C., Wolfe, W. J.
Názov: Land-Use Effects on Erosion, Sediment Yields, and Reservoir Sedimentation: A Case Study in the Lago Loíza Basin, Puerto Rico.
Zdroj: Physical Geography, 27, 1, 2006
Online: » link «

Autor: Malanson, G. P.
Názov: Riparian landscapes.
Zdroj: Cambridge (Cambridge University Press, 19993

Autor: Ławniczak, A.E., Choiński, A., Kurzyca, I.
Názov: Dynamics of Lake Morphometry and Bathymetry in Various Hydrological Conditions.
Zdroj: Pol. J. Environ. Stud.,20,4, 931-940, 2011
Online: » link «

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