Nasledujúci príspevok tvorí prehľad literárnych zdrojov, údajov a publikácií k téme erózno-sedimentačných procesov, zmien objemu vodných nádrží a zanášaniu nádrží, prípadne zdrojov ku kľúčovým slovám: volume change, bathymetry measurements, lake sediments. Cieľom príspevku je pomôcť zorientovať sa v danej problematike. Záverom podotknem, že priložené PDF súbory slúžia výlučne pre moje účely.
Autor: Minár Jozef, Tremboš Peter
Názov: Metodické aspekty analýzy ohrozenia vodných nádrží zanášaním z ich bezprostredného zázemia (modelové riešenie)
[The methodical aspects of analysis of the dam threatening by deposition from the direct surroundings of dam (case study)]
Zdroj: Acta Facultatis Rerum Naturalium Universitatis Comenianae, Geographica Nr. 39, Bratislava, 1996, ISBN 80-223-1131-6
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Autor: Ramiro Pillco Zolá, Lars Bengtsson
Názov: Three methods for determining the area-depth relationship of Lake Poopó, a large shallow lake in Bolivia
Zdroj: Department Water Resources Engineering, Lund University, Lund, Sweden, and Institute of Hydraulics and Hydrology, San Andres Major University, La Paz, Bolivia, Lakes & Reservoirs: Research and Management 2007 12: 275–284, © 2007 The Authors. Doi: 10.1111/j.1440-1770.2007.00344.x Journal compilation © 2007 Blackwell Publishing Asia Pty Ltd
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Autor: A. Choiński, M. Ptak
Názov: Lake Infill as the Main Factor Leading to Lake’s Disappearance
Zdroj: Institute of Physical Geography and Environmental Planning, Adam Mickiewicz University, Dzięgielowa 27, 61-680 Poznań, Poland Library, Adam Mickiewicz University, F. Ratajczaka 38-40, 61-816 Poznań, Poland, Polish J. of Environ. Stud. Vol. 18, No. 3 (2009), 347-352
Online: » link «
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Autor: Shawn Higgins
Názov: Bathymetric Change Analysis of Bellingham Bay
Zdroj: Western Washington University
Online: » link «
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Autor: N.N. Boddy L. Ganske
Názov: Bathymetric Changes within Lake Zumbro of Olmsted County
Zdroj: Produced by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, March, 2005
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Autor: Ayhan CEYLAN, Ilke EKİZOGLU
Zdroj: Selcuk University, Engineering and Architecture Faculty Department of Geomaticc Engineering Alaaddin Keykubad Campus, Konya, TURKEY
Online: » link «
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Autor: Ann E. Gibbs1, Guy Gelfenbaum
Zdroj: Preprinted from Coastal Sediments ‘99 Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Coastal Engineering and Coastal Sediment Processes American Society of Civil Engineers June 20-24 1999, Long Island, NY
Online: » link «
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Autor: Munamati, M., Senzanje, A., Sawunyama, T., Mhizha, A., Rodrigues, L. N., Liebe, J., Weschenfelder, R., Passo, D. P., da Silva, A. N.
Názov: Small Reservoir Capacity Estimation
Zdroj: Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Engineering, University Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe,School of Bioresources Engineering & Environmental Hydrology, University of KwaZulu Natal, South Africa,Institute of Water Research, Rhodes University, South Africa, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe, Center for Development Research, University of Bonn, Germany, Embrapa Cerados, Plataltina DF, Brazil
Online: » link «
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Autor: A.C. Brunner
Názov: Bathymetric survey by depth‐sonar and lake sediment coring by Beeker sampler to identify sediment budgets and siltation rates of small reservoirs
Zdroj: Center for Development Research, University of Bonn, Germany
Online: » link «
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Autor: Alexis Lavine, Gregory A. Kuyumjian, Steven L. Reneau1, Danny Katzman, and Daniel V. Malmon
Názov: Five-year record of sedimentation in the los alamos reservoir, new mexico, following the cerro grande fire
Zdroj: Earth and Environmental Sciences Division, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM, 87545 U.S.D.A., Forest Service, Los Alamos, NM, 87605 Western Earth Surface Processes Group, U.S. Geological Survey, Menlo Park, CA 94025
Online: » link «
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Autor: Projekt INTERREG III A
Názov: Vypracovanie spoločnej koncepcie krajinného a vodného hospodárstva, posúdenie možností jej realizácie a projektovanie jednotlivých prvkov koncepcie v Medzibodroží: Veľká Krčava (Meranie bahenných nánosov) - Didakticko-informačný materiál č.5
Zdroj: Slovenská technická univerzita v Bratislave, Stavebná fakulta Výskumný ústav vodného hospodárstva, Ústav hydrológie SAV, Združenie miest a obcí Medzibodrožia, Bratislava 2008
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Autor: Zhonghua Yang, Cunbao Xu
Názov: Methods of the Volume Measurement of Reservoir using GIS
Zdroj: Yellow River Conservancy Technical Institute, Kaifeng,China, 475003, Second International Conference on MultiMedia and Information Technology
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Autor: Kansas Biological Survey
Názov: Bathymetric and Sedimentation Surveys of Mission Lake, Brown County, Kansas
Zdroj: Kansas Biological Survey Applied Science and Technology for Reservoir Assessment (ASTRA) December 2007
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Autor: Karen Cappiella, Chris Malzone, Richard Smith, and Bruce Jaffe
Názov: Sedimentation and bathymetry changes in suisun bay - poster: 1867-1990
Zdroj: S. Geological Survey, 354 Middlefield Road, Menlo Park, CA 94025 1999
Online: » link «
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Autor: Laura A. Stout, John A. Harrington, Jr., H. James Grimshaw and Gary L. Shapiro
Názov: Bathymetric Changes in Overholser Reservoir
Zdroj: Department of Botany and Microbiology, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK 73019, Department of Geography, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE 68588, Oklahoma Water Resources Board, 1000 NE 10th Street, P.O. Box 53585, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, 73152
Online: » link «
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Autor: R.J.J. Dost, C.M.M. Mannaerts
Názov: Generation of lake bathymetry using sonar, satellite imagery and gis
Online: » link «
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Autor: Igor Laćan, Kathleen R. Matthews, and Krishna Feldman
Názov: A practical method for calculating lake volume over time using GPS to measure water availability in small lakes inhabited by the mountain yellow-legged frog (Rana muscosa) in Kings Canyon National Park, California
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Autor: Richard A. Ortt, Jr., Stephen VanRyswick, and Darlene Wells
Názov: Bathymetry and sediment accumulation of triadelphia and rocky gorge reservoirs
Zdroj: Department of Natural Resources, MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY, Jeffrey P. Halka, Acting Director, COASTAL AND ESTUARINE GEOLOGY, FILE REPORT NO. 07-03
Online: » link «
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Autor: Joris de Vente, Jean Poesen & Gert Verstraeten
Názov: Evaluation of reservoir sedimentation as a methodology for sediment yield assessment in the Mediterranean: challenges and limitations
Zdroj: Laboratory for Experimental Geomorphology, K.U. Leuven, Belgium
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Autor: Ing.Dr. Tomáš DOSTÁL, Ing. Josef KRÁSA, Ing. Martin BEČVÁŘ, Doc.Ing. Karel VRÁNA, CSc.
Názov: Erozní a transportní procesy v povodí VN Brno, Dílčí zpráva Projektu Rady vlády České republiky pro výzkum a vývoj VaV/630/4/02, Výzkum sedimentů přehrad, nádrží a jezer – zhodnocení rizik a návrhy opatření
Zdroj: ČESKÉ VYSOKÉ UČENÍ TECHNICKÉ V PRAZE, Fakulta stavební, Katedra hydromeliorací a krajinného inženýrství
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Autor: Ing.Dr. Tomáš DOSTÁL, Ing. Josef KRÁSA, Ing. Hana NOVÁKOVÁ, Doc.Ing. Jiří VÁŠKA, CSc., Doc.Ing. Karel VRÁNA, CSc
Názov: Erozní a transportní procesy v povodí VN Vrchlice. Dílčí zpráva Projektu Rady vlády České republiky pro výzkum a vývoj VaV/510/4/98 Omezování plošného znečištění povrchových a podzemních vod v ČR
Zdroj: ČESKÉ VYSOKÉ UČENÍ TECHNICKÉ V PRAZE, Fakulta stavební, Katedra hydromeliorací a krajinného inženýrství
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Autor: Morris, Gregory L. and Fan, Jiahua
Názov: Reservoir Sedimentation, 1998.
Zdroj: Handbook, McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York. Electronic version of the original 1998 publication by McGraw-Hill Book Co. This fully-searchable version contains minor corrections. © Gregory L. Morris and Jiahua Fan
Online: » link «
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Názov: Managing sediment in utah’s reservoirs
Zdroj: Utah Division of Water Resources
Online: » link «f
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Autor: Josuke KASHIWAI
Názov: Reservoir Sedimentation and Sediment Management in Japan
Zdroj: Incorporated Administrative Agency, Public Works Research Institute Minamihara1-6, Tsukuba-shi, Ibaraki-ken, Japan
Online: » link «
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Autor: Mario Carnevale, Hager GeoScience, Inc., Woburn, MA, Jutta Hager, Hager GeoScience, Inc., Woburn, MA
Názov: Reservoir Sedimentation and Sediment Management in Japan
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Autor: Mario Carnevale, Hager GeoScience, Inc., Woburn, MA, Jutta Hager, Hager GeoScience, Inc., Woburn, MA
Názov: Reservoir Sedimentation and Sediment Management in Japan
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Autor: BRUK, Stevan., et al.
Názov: Methods of computing sedimentation in lakes and reservoirs
Zdroj: Unesco, Paris
Online: » link «
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Autor: KOČICKÝ, D., 2002
Názov: Erózno-sedimentačné procesy na VN Klenovec
Zdroj: Esprit s.r.o, Banská Štiavnica 155 pp.
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